Saturday, November 22, 2008

non new yorkers

I hate when non new yorkers bash new york to native new yorkers. You know fuck heads - just leave then! Here is a sampling of a conversation with a non new york - he will be called "jerk" to protect his identity so he does not get jumped.

jerk: I'm sorry by New York has the shittiest weather!!!!!
jerk: My building feels like it is going to blow over...
me : aww ny weather is great, i like that we actually have four seasons
jerk: I guess I was spoiled with the more mediterranean feel of the west coast.
me: i have never been to the other coast
jerk: Please don't take this the wrong way... ...and it isn't necessarily directed toward you... ...but a lot of New Yorkers are hilarious to me. There is such a self-absorbed attitude of superiority that drips with a sort of hubristic malice for anyone who isn't from here... ...but most of the people I've have met (save those from other areas) have never left! They haven't seen anything of the world but pretend to be so worldly and sophisticated.
me: ugh huh i see and . . .
jerk: There may be some truth to it. :P But you know . . . : Overall people are very nice and highly socialized here.
we are, but i dunno maybe it is me being ignorant but its new york . . . i dunno, i could care less about seeing most of america (most of america voted for george w. bush and john mccain . . .
jerk: hat's it right there! There isn't even a curiosity to travel and absorb the history and grandeur of the continent. I just don't understand that attitude at all... Now, mind you, I have a similar view of the midwest. I'll just fly over it, thank you, and let them grow my lunch... I'm pointing out a sociological behavior trend, that were you to track it in a study, would no doubt come out to be true for a portion of the city for whatever reason... ...and you could go in depth to explain its causes, etc. But instead of acknowledging it you get defensive.
me: i am not getting defensive [though at this point i am, calling my peeps in the marlboro projects to go kick this cracker's ass]
jerk:: I guess there is an attitude that NY is the best, so why bother seeing anything else? I'm not from New York so what the fuck do I know?
me: i am not sure if i agree with your comments or statements but i will acknowledge them as different from my own, but i know people who would bust a cap in your ass for making comments like this on the street . . .
jerk: But, having not been anywhere else... could you know any different?
me: Listen jerk off, I have traveled all over Europe and have lived in other countries for periods of time, I am sorry for wasting my time there instead of standing in front the Grand Canyon with overweight Midwesterners videotaping their first trip outside the trailer park
jerk: I think if people were more open to ideas and opinions there wouldn't even be an issue.
me: but there is this weird thing that when a non native new yorker complains about NYC that gets me going . . so no offense to you, but get the fuck out. LEAVE. WE dont need your nasty ass fuckin attitude up in here. So go back to the little hole you crawled out of and take your graphic tees, ill fitting pants and stupid bikes that you ride on the brooklyn bridge and shove it all up your fuckin ass. Cause you know what, I dont give a fuck that I never saw your neck of the woods . . I dont give a shit what you think of me, cause as far as I am concerned your a dime a dozen of those ambitious artist trying to make their start in the big city . . . well get your applebee's apron cause that is as close to success as you are getting . . .
jerk: no reason to be nasty.
me: Ohh! there is reason to be nasty, cause I will cut you. I will fuckin cut you up so bad your mama wont even remember what you looked like so step back bitch . . . STEP

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