Friday, November 21, 2008

Charity . . .

So today as I was walked around 14th Street I was stopped several times by douche bags in blue vests trying to get me to donate to some charity for disabled children with learning problems who lived through a tsunami and escaped a military government with full blown AIDS and/or cancer yadda yadda. So I am thinking "leave me alone, I am trying to shop without feeling guilty." I admit that I am broke but I still shop and it makes it worse having to reject their advances for a donation - it makes me feel even worse. PLEASE, leave me alone people. With such hard economic times it is really distasteful that these people assume I want to waste my money on charity. And then when I reject them by ignoring them or flipping them off they have the nerve to say "well have a nice day." I much rather donate to a charity that at least gives me something back in return like address labels or a free calendar. I would really like to report these people to the police but the last time I did an officer had the nerve to call me crazy . . CRAZY, ha! More like concerned citizen. I urge all other concerned citizens to write their congressperson to get these sadistic charity workers off our city streets!

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